释义 |
1 ?慢慢的前进 ... silent march沉默的行军 slow march慢慢的前进 steady march有规律的行程 ... 2 ?缓慢进行曲 ...谱 P3:《[美]再见,认识你真幸运》简谱 标签[美]再见认识你真幸运伍迪·格思里词 张毅译配 上一个:[美]缓慢进行曲(Slow March) 下一个:[美]爱琳,晚安(Irene,Good Night) 收藏曲谱 发送到信箱 打印曲谱 曲谱纠错 类别:外国曲谱 发布:52qupu官方.. 3 ?慢步走 ... march under standard of someone 在某人旗帜下前进,做... slow march 慢步走 frog's march 蛙式抬运 ... 4 ?缓步行进 ... slow learner迟钝的学习者 slow march缓步行进 slow music慢节拍的音乐 ...
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The Fed said it still expected a slow economic expansion, and it still expected to continue a slow march toward higher rates. 美联储表示,它预计经济还会缓慢增长,利率会继续缓慢提升。 - 2
Progress on the ground has been slow in spite of more than 5, 000 airstrikes by NATO war planes since the end of March. 尽管自三月末以来北约战斗机共发动了5,000多次空袭,现场的进展仍然非常缓慢。 - 3
"It may be", said Dr Margaret Chan at a global meeting in March, "that containment efforts would only slow the spread of a pandemic." “也许控制努力将只能减慢疾病大流行的传播,”陈冯富珍博士在3月的一次全球会议上说。