释义 |
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Because the resources in Grid are heterogeneous inherently, dynamic and self-ruling, it makes the resource scheduling in Grid more complicated. 由于网格系统中资源的异构性、动态性和自治性等特性,使得网格资源调度变得极其复杂。 - 2
With Mercury and your ruling planet, Venus, touring your third house of self-expression, you're feeling flirtier and more playful than you have in a while — and boy, does it feel good. 随着水星和你的主宰星金星到了你代表自我表达的三宫时,你会感到有段时间自己变得比平时更喜欢卖弄风情,更爱玩了——感觉好吗? - 3
Remember that the ruling faculty is invincible, when self-collected it is satisfied with itself, if it does nothing which it does not choose to do, even if it resist from mere obstinacy. 记住:你的支配部分是不可征服的,如果它不做任何非它所愿的事情,即使它是出于纯粹的顽而进行抵制的,那么当它自我镇定时,它也是满足于自身的。