释义 |
- n.<正式>懒散,怠惰;树懒;<罕>一群熊(a sloth of bears)
- 【名】 (Sloth)(丹)斯洛特(人名)
1 ?树懒 最初,它被归为贫齿目 (Edentata),与食蚁兽 (Anteaters), 树懒 (Sloths),犰狳 (armadillos)一起被认为是真兽类较为古老的类群之一。 2 ?枝懒 ... 枝节问题 peripheral complication; side issue 枝懒 sloths 枝霉属 thamnidium ... 3 ?怠惰 ... 怠惰 = slothfully 怠惰 = sloths 怠慢 = remiss ... 4 ?树懒慢车道上的生命 " 树懒的静止形态不过是人们眼中的错觉,诸如此类的误区在她的新书《树懒:慢车道上的生命》(Sloths: Life In The Slow Lane)中还有很多。 " 树懒近乎完美的适应了环境,世代久居,我好想用画笔将它们的一切更生动的描绘出来。
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North America was populated by a wide variety of great beasts, like mammoth and mastodons, both elephant-like creatures with big tusks, and camels, giant sloths, the list goes on. 在北美洲生活着各种各样的巨兽,如猛犸象和乳齿象,都是长着巨大象牙的象状动物,还有骆驼和巨大的树懒,名单待续。 - 2
The disappearance of megafauna in America—mammoths, saber-toothed cats, giant sloths, among others—happened relatively soon after the arrival of human beings, about 13,000 years ago. 美洲巨型动物的消失——猛犸象、剑齿猫、巨型树懒等等——发生在人类出现后不久,大约在一万三千年前。 - 3
Among them were giant sloths the size of SUVs. 当冰盖从北美大陆上消退时,这些动物统治了整片大陆,其中甚至包括越野车大小的巨型树獭。