释义 |
您要找的是不是: shakingn. 震动,震惊;挥动,摇动 | v. 握手(sha... - 1
Hawking, 73, who was portrayed in an Oscar-winning performance by Eddie Redmayne in 2014's the Theory of Everything, spoke about the universe and mysteries of science. 霍金曾在2014年的奥斯卡获奖电影《万物理论》中由埃迪·雷德梅尼饰演。周六那晚,73岁的他谈及了宇宙以及科学中的未解之谜。 - 2
Today, at 69, Dr. Hawking is one of the longest-living survivors of A. L. S. , and perhaps the most inspirational. 如今,69岁的霍金博士是ALS症患者中最长寿的幸存者之一,可能也是最鼓舞人心的一位。 - 3
Artificial intelligence has been increasingly widespread attention, many scientists assert, machine intelligence will rapidly than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking 's intelligence? Sum. 人工智能得到了愈来愈广泛的关注,许多科学家断言,机器的智能会迅速超过阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦和霍金的智力之和。