释义 |
- 鳞状皮肤:皮肤表面出现鳞片状的情况,通常是由于皮肤干燥、角质层增厚或其他皮肤疾病引起的。
1 ?鳞甲保护 ... 不战败(Unbreakable) 鳞甲保护(Scaly skin) 一击必杀(Killing blow)** ... 2 ?肌肤甲错 ... 肌肤不仁 - numberness of skin 肌肤甲错 - scaly skin 毛悴色夭 - dry hair and lusterless skin ...
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Not eating enough of vitamins can result in problems such as scurvy, dermatitis or dry, scaly skin. 维生素摄入不足能导致坏血病、皮炎或干燥、鳞状皮肤之类的问题。 - 2
However, if you do smoke, your risk for the scaly skin condition goes up-a lot. 然而,如果您抽烟,染上这种鳞屑皮肤病的风险将大幅提高。 - 3
Not eating enough of them can result in problems such as scurvy, dermatitis or dry, scaly skin. 维生素摄入不足能导致坏血病、皮肤炎或干燥、鳞状皮肤之类的问题。