释义 |
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Large scale stone statues, exquisite, monks have gathered in the Quartet, a very temporary victory, fame spread far and wide, quite "Longnan Dunhuang" and Qiao Yu. 规模宏大,塑像石雕,精妙绝伦,曾云集四方高僧,胜极一时,名声远播,颇有“陇南敦煌”之巧喻。 - 2
Guval under the tomb was recently discovered an underground pyramid, not large in scale, built deep in the desert mountains, a stone, unable to enter the car, they can only resort to caravans. 古瓦尔底下陵墓是最近才被发现的一座地下金字塔,规模不是很大,建在沙漠深处的一处碎石山里,开车无法进入,所以只能借助驼队。 - 3
Qianceng stone evaluation scale are different from the ordinary stone.