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Without proof-- - you will see this if you ever take 803-- I will tell you that the speed of sound is the square root of Young's modulus divided by the density of the material. 现在不证明-,你们将在803章学到-,我告诉你们声速,是杨氏模量的平方根,除以介质的密度。 - 2
This paper, by examples, introduces the application of triple root in the calculation and proof of complex number, and exact division in multinomial. 本文通过几个例子介绍了三次单位根在复数计算、证明与多项式整除中的应用。 - 3
In this paper, a theorem of primary root exists as a couple in the Number Theory was suggested, and detailed mathematic proof was given. 首先提出了数论中的原根成对存在定理,并进行了详细的数学证明。