和《一战往事》作者斯道帕德爵士(Sir Tom Stoppard)一同争夺最佳创作奖的还有创作《被告》的达根(Shaun Duggan)和麦克加文(Jimmy McGovern)、《女孩》的作者休斯(Gwyneth Hughes)和...
British playwright and screenwriter SirTomStoppard is to be honoured by the Writers Guild of America next month.
BBC: Sir Tom Stoppard
"I wrote it as the conventionally realistic film everybody was expecting me to write, " says playwright SirTomStoppard, Anna Karenina's Oscar-winning screenwriter.
BBC: Is Keira Knightley's new Anna Karenina film a gamble?
Also interviewed are Dame Judi Dench, Arthur Miller, Sir Ian McKellen, Sir Peter Hall, SirTomStoppard, Vanessa Redgrave, Fiona Shaw, Stephen Daldry, David Hare, Harold Pinter, and Alan Bennett.