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absorbing boundary conditions 1 ?吸收边界条件 2.3 吸收边界条件 在对FDTD的算法研究中,吸收边界条件(Absorbing Boundary Conditions,ABCs)是一项非常重要的研究内容,通常被用于电磁波问题计算,以较小计算代价来模拟无限空间系统。
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Secondly, without absorbing boundary conditions, radiation conditions are satisfied automatically in the integral equation by the Green's function. 第二是辐射的条件通过格林函数在积分方程中自动可以得到满足,而不再需要吸收边界条件。 - 2
We point out their advantages and disadvantages. A combination of these absorbing boundary conditions adapted to real structural model can give good results. 联立这些不同的吸收边界条件于实际的有限差分计算可以给出好的结果。 - 3
To improve the efficiency and accuracy of the inversion system, problems such as the efficiency and accuracy of the forward modeling system, absorbing boundary conditions and so on, are also studied. 研究了有限元正演算法的效率和精度、吸收边界条件等方面的问题,以提高反演系统的效率和精度。