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交通运输工程 信号交叉口 The stochastic properties of signalized intersection capacities under mixed traffic conditions were analyzed,and capacity reliability of signalized intersection was defined. VISSIM simulations were employed to provide capacity data for probability distribution calibrations. 分析了混合交通条件下信号交叉口通行能力的随机性,定义了交叉口通行能力可靠度,并利用基于VISSIM仿真模型获得的数据,标定分布函数,举例给出了典型分位通行能力。 信号控制路口 信号灯路口 信号控制交叉口 号志化路口
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Mixed traffic is the main characteristic of large cities in China, especially at signalized intersection. 混合交通是我国城市交通的主要特征,特别是在平面信号交叉口。 - 2
Finally, the method to determine actual capacity and limited capacity of a non-signalized intersection is presented. 最后,本文提出了无控制交叉口极限通行能力及实用通行能力的确定方法。 - 3
Prediction of traffic queues at signalized intersection provides important information for traffic signal control and management. 预测信号交叉口的排队长度可以为交通信号控制和管理提供非常重要的信息。