释义 |
- 因情感而叹息:因为悲伤、失望、疲惫等情感而深深地叹息。
1 ?感慨 ... 感谢;感激 [thank;feel grateful] 感慨,感伤 [sigh with emotion] 思念 [miss] ... 2 ?感伤 感 ... 感谢;感激 [thank;feel grateful] 感慨,感伤 [sigh with emotion] 思念 [miss] ... 3 ?感叹 提及与印花税票的故事,他的老伴大发感叹(sigh with emotion ):“他呀,就爱搜集这些破破烂烂的东西。2005年,河北临西县的老火柴厂拆房子,他一听说,立马就骑着自行车去了。 4 ?否也历经磨练 ...0000 北京新浪网 (2014-01-26 08:06)春节将至,一年的事情也临近尾声。回首这一年,您是否也历经磨练,感叹(sigh with emotion )颇多?年会热热闹闹,年货大包小包,辛劳(hard)一年也是时候犒劳一下自己,体会一下过年的喜庆。
- 1
Today, I see such similar picture again, very sigh with emotion! - 2
The person of triumphant thunder sees I can sigh with emotion every time now. - 3
I always sigh with emotion: why do we never have time to wait, to decide what to do? 我总感慨:为什么我们总是没有时间去等待,决定该怎么做。