释义 |
- 即期汇票:一种在出票人向银行开出汇票后,汇票持有人可以在汇票到期日之前随时向银行要求兑现的汇票。
1 ?即期汇票 ... draft to be drawn at 30 days sight开立30天的期票 sight drafts即期汇票 time drafts远期汇票 ... 2 ?即期汇 ... 即期汇 sight drafts 即期汇票, 见票即付 bill on demand 即期汇票,附带提货单 sdbl sight draft, bill of lading attached ...
- 1
Sight drafts to be drawn on the Purchaser to (name of bank). - 2
Sight drafts, as the name implies, require the bank to pay on demand. - 3
There are different rates for the different exchange instruments: the rate for T/Ts or cable rate, the rate for cheques and sight drafts (demand rate), the rate for 30-day bills, etc. 不同的信用工具有不同的汇率,即电汇汇率、信汇汇率和票汇汇率。 票汇汇率又分为即期票汇汇率和远期(30天)票汇汇率等。