释义 |
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In Section II, under the yoke of oppression in the patriarchal society, they were self-restricted or oppressed by others, therefore their destiny was miserable. 第二节所涉及的贵族女性,则是在宗法社会的压迫桎梏之下,自我约束或受到他人压迫,因而命运凄惨; - 2
The mind, like the heart, is a delicate instrument, sensitive and very capable, and when cruelty and oppression touch it then there is a hardening of the self. 头脑和心灵一样,是个精密的仪器,既敏感又有能力,当残忍和压迫碰触到它时,就会导致自我的僵化。 - 3
The novel successfully depicts how Celie shakes off the oppression of patriarchy and achieves her individual identity and self-actualization with the help of Shug Avery, her husband's lover. 小说成功地描述了西丽如何在丈夫的昔日情人莎格的帮助下摆脱父权与夫权双重压迫,追求自我身份和自我实现的心路历程。