释义 |
1 ?自我解释 在实践中,我们引入了心理学关于样例学习中自我解释(self-explanations)的观点,采用指导性解释、完整样例与不完整样例等形式对化学思维策略网络训练的主观题进行设计,则能弥补传统网络课程在这方面的...
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The study shows that compared with other cognitive or affective factors, self efficacy gives more accurate predictions and explanations of the students' learning motivations, goals and results. 研究表明,较之其它认知或情感因素,自我效度能对学生的学习动机、目标及结果作出更准确的预测和解释。 - 2
Block comments should generally be avoided, as code should be as self-documenting as possible, with only the need for intermittent, few-line explanations. 通常情况不要写大块注释,尽量使代码可以自描述是用很少的几行注释即可。 - 3
The emphasis throughout is on practical self-help, on methods which have been shown to work, with clear explanations of just why they are effective. 在整个重点是实用的自助,就已经表现出的工作方法,与刚才为什么他们是有效的清楚的解释。