n. 漫游;移动 | v. 漫步;闲逛;徘徊(ro...
n. 房间出租 | v. 居住,住宿;为…提供...
?名字(Robinson Motors Inc Gmc)
Romig Jean的中文主页 ... 所属州: AK 名字: Romig 姓: Jean ...
... 通用后缀: Jr 名字: Romig 姓: Murray ...
... 标签: Katie Carno 地址说明: Rd 街道地址: Romig ...
"It's strictly an act of street violence in New Orleans, " New Orleans FBI spokeswoman Mary Beth Romig said Monday.
CNN: Police name suspect in New Orleans parade shooting
Ms. MARY BETH ROMIG (Spokeswoman, New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau): We still are getting those questions: How is the city?
NPR: Mardi Gras Gives a Smaller Bounce to New Orleans
Mary Beth Romig is with the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau.
NPR: New Orleans Businesses Ready for Tourists' Return