释义 |
1 ?日地距 ... 下降后货叉距地高度 Lower height 日地距 solar distance 地距外导弹 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile ... 2 ?日距 ... solar disk ==> 日轮,日面,日盘,太阳圆面 solar distance ==> 日距 solar distillation ==> 日晒蒸馏 ...
- 1
Light falls off exponentially with distance, so a planet that is, say, twice as close to the sun as Earth is would get much more than twice the solar energy. 随着离开太阳的距离增加,阳光强度呈指数级下降,因此一颗距离太阳比地球近一倍的行星所接受到的阳光远远不止地球所接受到强度的一倍。 - 2
After reaching about half of the Earth-Sun distance from the Sun, the comet should fade rapidly as it then heads out of the inner Solar System. 到达距太阳半个日地距离之后,彗星会因朝着内太阳系之外急速前进而快速变暗。 - 3
The distance to the moon was also known and a few centuries later, the sun was known to be at the center of our solar system with the planets in orbit around it. 几个世纪后,地球到月球的距离也为人所知,太阳被公认为是我们太阳系的中心,系内所有的行星都围绕着它旋转。