基于通信行为挖掘的犯罪网络分析技术研究与应用 - docin.com豆丁网 r i me Ne t wo r k An a l y s i s , CNA) 是一种特殊的社会 网络分析(So c i a l Ne t wo r k An a l y s i s , SNA),其特殊性在于所分析的 社会网络的节点是某一案件或一些案件的涉案人员及与之有联系的其他 人员,分析的
The rise of the method of Data mining and SocialNetworkAnalysis brought an opportunity to us.
The techniques of "socialnetworkanalysis" have been known for some time, but businesses have been slow to make the most of them. That is changing.
According to the application of Socialnetworkanalysis Methods into the structural analysis of industrial symbiosis networks, it shows strong suitability.