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您要找的是不是: BACabbr. 二进制模拟转换(Binary-Analog Conv... 1 ?醋酸仲丁酯 醋酸仲丁酯(SBAC)是乙酸丁酯的四种同分异构体之一,在室温下为无色,易燃,具有果实味的透明液体,与醋酸丁酯相比味稍重,且为中等挥发速度的强溶剂,几... 2 ?英国飞机制造商协会 ... sai i.s. 爱尔兰国家标准 sbac 英国飞机制造商协会 sbcci 南方建筑规范国际联合会 ... 3 ?乙酸仲丁酯 乙酸仲丁酯(SBAC)是一种环保型溶剂。它属于乙酸丁酯的四种同分异构体之一,为无色,易燃,带有水果香味的液体,并且可以溶解多种树脂和有机物。 4 ?巴西合格评定制度 根据巴西合格评定制度(SBAC),按照已批准要求规定的高压钠蒸气灯标签已变为强制要求。
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At last check, SHLD was off about 1.5%, while SBAC was up about 0.2% on the day Friday. FORBES: Connect - 2.
Groups like the UK Space Biomedical Advisory Committee (SBAC) have been pushing hard to get an Esa subscription approved. BBC: Britain attracted to microgravity - 3.
Raymond James, which downgraded the stock to outperform from strong buy, noted that SBAC showed much potential, especially in their fast growing domestic and international tower portfolio. FORBES: AT&T/T-Mobile Deal Rattles Telecom Tower Companies