释义 |
说他的话 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
And some people will say what a pity his great period was his middle period and others would say oh no, it's his last period. 一些人会说真遗憾,他最辉煌的阶段是他创作的中期,另一些人会说不不,是他的末期。 - 2
When a son can say to his father, "Dad, I love you," and when a mother can say to her daughter, "Child, I love you," a whole new blessed place can be opened up, a space where it is good to dwell. 当一个儿子向他的父亲说,“爸爸,我爱你,”的时候,当一个母亲向她的女儿说,“孩子,我爱你”的时候,便开辟了一个全新的福地,一个宜居之地。 - 3
A patient who had damage to part of his brain and can only say one word, "tan," and the person would say, "tan, tan, tan, tan," and everything else was gone. 一位大脑遭受部分损伤的病人,这位病人只会说一个字,“叹”,说起话来这样的,“叹,叹,叹,叹”,其他的词全都无法说出。