释义 |
SoC 英/ s??? / 美/ ??es o? ?si? / - abbr.系统级芯片;片上系统(System on a Chip);应力光学系数(Stress Optical Coefficient);转换反转脉冲起始(Start of Conversion Pulse)
- 1
Your body can’t store much wrinkle-fighting vitamin C, so you need to keep your supplies stocked. 你的身体无法存储足够的抗皱维生素C,所以你需要保持你的供应存储。 - 2
I print F, I backslash N, just to pretty up the screen, ArgC I then iterate from, I equal zero up to Arg C; so Arg C is the convention. 我键入printf,反斜杠n,来使屏幕变得美观点,然后i开始迭代,从i等于0增加到;,所以ArgC是一个约定。 - 3
C So, let's say that I have a curve, c, in space.