货币:Belizean dollar(伯利兹元) 平均寿命:67
...B$ 1 元=100 分(Cents) 巴巴多斯 巴巴多斯元(Barbados Dollar) BDS$ 1 元 =100 分(Cents) 伯利兹 伯利兹元(Belizean Dollar) BZ$ 1 元 =100 分(Cents) 百慕大(英) 百慕大元(Bermuda Dollar) BD$ 1 元=100 分(Cents) 玻利维亚 玻利维亚诺(Boliviano)...
Tied to the U.S. dollar the Belizean dollar is worth exactly 50 cents and everyone seems to trade with U.S. dollars, even though prices are generally in the local currency.
FORBES: Building And Retiring In Belize: Technology Is Still A Problem