释义 |
形成具体的, 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The major works of visual art shaping the image, put it directly to enjoy the visual senses, especially with so intuitive, vivid and concrete. 艺术形象不仅具有具体可感的形象性,而且要具有典型性和概括性,它把无比丰富的生活用典型化的手法概括到形象之中。 - 2
Roller compacted asphalt concrete core wall is built by spreading hot-mixed asphalt concrete with a certain thickness and then shaping-rolled by vibratory roller. 碾压式沥青混凝土心墙,是将热拌后的沥青混合料按一定的厚度摊铺在铺筑部位上,然后用适当的振动碾碾压成型。 - 3
Diamond cup wheels are the efficient tools for fast grinding, rough deburring and smooth shaping and finishing of concrete, stone, and masonry materials. 金刚石磨盘是快速琢磨,修边,造型及修整混凝土,石材,石料的最有效工具,干湿磨均可。