释义 |
- vt.<非正式>诓骗;强迫;诱拐;<史>(用下麻醉药等方式)迫使(某人)在海上服务;<澳>用弹弓射(shanghai 的现在分词)
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文学 上海都市 These ancient towns are the typical ones which are located on the border of Shanghai metropolis. 市郊的古镇是位于上海都市边缘的典型城镇群。 《上海》 Yokomitsu Riichi,the leading figure of Japanese Neo-Sensationalism, traveled in Shanghai in 1928. After he returned home from his one-month stay in Shanghai,he wrote his novel Shanghai. 1928年,日本新感觉派主力作家横光利一远赴上海,在上海生活了一个月,回国创作了长篇小说《上海》。 上海热 Wang Anyi’s full-length novel, Everlasting Regret becomes an outstanding work of this“Shanghai hot”. 王安忆的长篇小说《长恨歌》成为这股“上海热”中较为突出的作品。
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医药科学 沪 These pedigrees consisted of 401 patients of 1822 individuals from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai, Anhui and Henan Provinces. Each pedigree includes at least 3 generations, in whom at least 2 individuals are affected. 本研究收集了江、浙、沪、皖、豫人群中病理性近视家系90个共1822人,每个家系三代以内有2人以上发病,患者共401人。
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艺术学 海上 "Picture World in shanghai" is the last artist center in modem times. 海上画坛是近代中国最后一个艺术中心。 上海影像 Shanghai is the birthplace of Chinese films, so Shanghai culture has become the "mother" of Chinese film culture for quite a long time. Besides, Shanghai images in Chinese films have historically become the audio-visual characterization of Shanghai culture. 而作为中国电影发祥地的上海,其特有的海派文化正现实地构成上海电影的“文化母体”,由是而形成的中国电影中的上海影像,则又历史地成为海派文化的视听表征。
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体育 沪 Survey shows that the part of Shanghai’s college sports hidden curriculum development status quo is not very satisfactory. 本研究对教师层面的调查显示,教师对江、沪部分高校的体育隐性课程开发的现状不是很理想。
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