释义 |
- 洗发皂:一种用于清洁头发的肥皂,通常含有天然成分,可以去除头发上的油脂和污垢。
1 ?洗头皂 ... shear steel 剪刀钢 shampoo soap 洗头皂 shammy fabric 充麂皮针织物 ... 2 ?洗发皂 ... 洁面晶 Cleansing crystal 洗发皂 shampoo Soap 简标皂 Portable soap ...
- 1
Invest in smaller bottles and use the bathroom supplies, such as shampoo, soap, mouthwash, etc., provided by the hotel to keep your toiletry case light. 购买小瓶包装的,并尽量使用旅馆提供的盥洗用品:像洗发水、肥皂、漱口水、吹风机等,来让你的洗漱包轻便。 - 2
It could have a towel, shampoo, soap, so a homeless person can have a hot s shower and a proper clean up. 里面有毛巾、洗发水和香皂,这样无家可归的人就能洗个热水澡并好好收拾一下。 - 3
Tip:Fill a small basket in the bathroom with soap, shampoo, conditioner, and moisturizer. 小贴士:在洗手间的一个小篮子中放上香皂,洗发水,护发素和润肤膏。