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1 ?自我技能 关键词:自尊 自我悦纳 自我技能 [gap=2534]Key words:self-esteem self-liking self-competence ... 2 ?自我能力 ...学者对自尊概念的定义尚无统一,它作为一个学术性概念,概括起来它主要是指个人对自我价值(self-worth)和自我能力(self-competence)的情感体验,属于自我系统中的情感成分,具有一定的评价意义[1]。 3 ?自我胜任感 Franz Basch自恋是对于自我胜任感(self-competence)的体验,而这一神经回路开始于大脑的 期待状态(expectancy state),然后进行下一步的实施决定,再后付诸行动的实践。
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Not fully known, however, is the extent to which psychiatrists and mental health professionals will be tapped to do assessments of a defendant's competence for self-representation. 虽然多大程度上精神病学家和精神卫生专家将会指定为被告的自我辩护能力做鉴定尚不完全清楚。 - 2
By taking concrete actions that improve your competence, your self-image, you can increase that self-confidence, without the help of anyone else. 通过采取具体的行动来增强你的能力,改善你的自我形象,你自己能够增加你的自信,而不需要别人的帮助。 - 3
Women who take advantage of happenstance have competence, self-confidence, and the ability to take risks. They also have a strong support system. 那些能够利用偶然的机会、自信、并且能够承担风险的女性,她们通常都有一个强健的支持系统。