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自检程序 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?自检程序 自检程序 self-checking program 自检同步顺序计算器 self-checking synchronous sequential computer 自检系统 self-checking system .. 2 ?自校验程序 ... file address checking program 文件地址检验程序 self-checking program 自校验程序 checking 产生裂缝; 发裂 ...
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With both high pressure and low pressure protection and compressor, self-checking compressor on and off controlling program, ensuring low noise, long duration and little temperature fluctuation. 采用由高低压力保护的压缩机组,具有自我监测的压缩机起闭控制程序,噪声小,寿命长,温度波动小。 - 2
Lastly, the methods of software redundancy, setting present output state register unit, and setting self checking program to solve the problem of control state being out of order. 对于控制状态失常问题采用软件冗余、设置当前输出状态寄存单元和设置自检程序等对策。 - 3
Self-checking (also called self-validation or integrity checking) is a technique in which a program, while running, checks itself to verify that it has not been modified. 自校验(也叫自验证或完整性校验)就是程序运行期间校验自身代码以确认没有被修改的技术。