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1 ?自我暴露 常用技巧六:自我暴露(self-betrayal )[案例] 分析 案例6:自我暴露C:第一句话,老师你说我是不是有问题,他们都说我有问题,让我来找你咨询? T(微笑):为什么这么说呢?
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In tertns of psychological experience, Lu Xun s "Madmans Joumals" is the self-discovery, self-repentance and self-betrayal of a nation. 从心理体验的角度来看,鲁迅的《狂人日记》其实是一个民族的自我发现、自我忏悔和对自身的反叛。 - 2
This "self-betrayal" is obviously very difficult to understand from the academic and theoretical level. People cannot help but doubt arbitrators' legal conscience and the impartiality of the tribunal. 这一“自我背叛”显然很难单纯从学术和理论层面理解,让人无法不怀疑其法律良知,让人无法不怀疑仲裁庭的公正性。 - 3
True or not, the story echoes themes of guilt, betrayal and self-interest found in Mr Kundera's own work, such as "unbearable lightness" (dodged but burdensome responsibility). 不论真实与否,这一事件映现了昆德拉作品中罪恶、背叛和私利的主题,譬如《生命中不能承受之轻》中表现的虽有意回避却不堪重负的责任。