释义 |
1 ?自我肯定 ... self-approval n. 自我肯定 self-approval n. 自我肯定 self-assertive adj. 自作主张的, 惯于孤行专断的 ... 2 ?自我认可 许添盛医生-是你,爱是我 - 成功或失败,都必须自我认可 在赛斯书里有一个很重要的观念,那尌是「自我认可(self-approval),意思是无论何 时何地,你获得成功或失败,都必须自我认可。 3 ?自我赞许 ... 值得赞许 be commendable 自我赞许 self-approval 社会赞许因素 社会赞许因素 social desirability factor ... 4 ?自我赞扬 ... self-appraisal 自我评定,自我评价 self-approval 自我赞扬 self-approving 自我赞许的 ...
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Instead, smile and express your self-approval and love by saying nothing or saying, "I am sorry but I disagree with your opinion." 取而代之的是,微笑,并通过沉默或说“抱歉,但我不同意你的看法”来表达你的自我肯定和爱心。 - 2
But current appears the university student self-approval crisis's phenomenon, does not favor its individual the socialization as well as must undertake its social responsibilities. 而当前出现的大学生自我认同危机的现象,不利于其个体的社会化以及应当承担其的社会责任感。 - 3
Work at becoming comfortable in knowing that beyond your egoic self (which thrives on approval from others) there lies within you the presence of an infinite power acting as your "soul" authority. 当了解到除了热切的自我肯定(往往从别人的赞赏里获得)外,一份充当着你的灵魂权威的无限力量还存在在你内心深处。