... saturation current 饱和电流 saturation mode饱和状态 saturation of the molecular transitions 分子跃迁饱和 ...
...只受正偏发射 结电压的控制 ? 几乎不受反偏发射结电压的控制 c + + e b I CEO 三极管的工作模式 ? 饱和模式(Saturation Mode): – 发射结和集电结均加正偏 ? 截止模式(Cutoff Mode): – 发射结和集电结均加反偏 c + + e b I CEO 这两种模式呈现受 控开...
However, when electron current exceeds a certain value, an abnormal elastic electron peak can be observed, because the channeltron works in saturationmode.
The paper researches the quadric direct-current source in non-saturationmode, and designs an isolation direct-current source which has non-ripples wave output.
As a switching device, TFT in AMLCD operates in saturationmode. Its source contact is always connected to the data bus (video), and the drain to the pixel electrode.