... 令人不愉快决定 Unpleasant Decisions 令人不愉快的经历something nasty in the woodshed 令人不愉快的事实 Home Truth ...
... Virgin: Prelude to the Throne(少女伊丽莎白一世) Something Nasty In The Woodshed(木棚里的肮脏事) Day of Wrath(最后审判日) ...
There was somethingnastyinthewoodshed, and when the "contagion" attacked the stock markets as well, it was confirmed.
CNN: Sign-off 1998
After the markets fell back in July, the favourite tales changed: the recent talk has been of somethingnastyinthewoodshed.
ECONOMIST: Once upon a time on Wall Street | The
If there does turn out to be somethingnastyinthewoodshed, his enemies will brand him as complacent or, worse, claim plausibly that his chosen image of prudence and iron resolve was a fake.