... 名字: Rodino 姓: John 标签: John Rodino ...
亲爱的父母邦 ; 亲爱的祖国
哈特 ; 斯科特 ; 罗迪诺反垄断改进法案 ; 斯科特·罗迪诺反垄断改进法案
斯各特 ; 罗迪诺 ; 哈特 ; 法案
We are all served to listen to what you and Chairman Rodino were saying.
CNN: House Judiciary Committee hearing,
Interestingly, the portrait of Chairman Hyde hangs over the Democrats and that of Chairman Rodino hangs over the Republicans.
Additionally, NextWave's transfer of assets may be subject to Hart-Scott-Rodino review by the Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice.
ENGADGET: AT&T agrees to acquire NextWave for $600 million, gobbles up WCS and AWS spectrum