释义 |
1 ?罗克县 跳转到:导航,美国有三个县名为罗克县(Rock County):这是一个消歧义页,罗列了有相同或相近的标题,但内容不同的条目。.
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The Sierra Nevada and the Cascade Mountains meet in Plumas County, and fall color against the grey backdrop of the volcanic rock that covers the region makes for dramatic views. 内华达山脉和喀斯喀特山脉相连接于普卢默斯县,秋季的色彩反衬着覆盖该地区火山岩的灰色背景。 造成了引人注目的景致。 - 2
Advanced biology students, for example, trekked tothe Black Rock Forest, in Orange County, N.Y., to measure snow depth, andfrequented the Museum of Natural History. 比如,生物学高级班的学生,需要长途跋涉到纽约州奥兰吉郡的黑岩森林去测量雪的厚度,经常出入自然历史博物馆。 - 3
"Ma Tan natural village, according to the 1987 version of" Songyang County, Zhejiang Province, "records:" on the altar with the grinding of rock and named. 麻坛自然村,据1987年版《浙江省松阳县地名志》记载:“以坛上有磨形岩石而得名。”