释义 |
- 1
As cosmic particles enter the atmosphere and bump into atoms of air, water, ice, rock or anything else that happens to stand in their way, they trigger telltale cascades of other particles. 随着那些宇宙粒子进入大气层,并且和空气,水,岩石或别的什么阻挡在他们飞行路径上的东西中的原子碰撞,它们就会触发其他粒子的级联反应。 - 2
Even rock tools in use by heavy bump, not fresh out of stone ballast it up, but not as metal tools, as a result of deformation and destruction of accuracy. 在使用中岩石工具即使遭重物磕碰,至多掉几粒石碴而已,而不会像金属工具那样,因变形而破坏精度。 - 3
Fish once can't swim, that might be alive is no fun, so the king fish chose mind-games way, went to rock rammed, intentionally to bump into other fish. 鱼一旦不会游泳了,那可能活着就没什么乐趣了,于是王鱼就选择了自残的办法,往岩石上猛撞,故意去撞其它的鱼群。