Angostura:安古斯杜拉酒是一种红色苦味朗姆酒,有委内瑞拉医生西格特(Siegert )在1824年发明的,起初用于作退热药酒,现广泛作为开胃酒,主要产地在特立尼达和多巴哥等地;
... 所属州: CO 名字: Siegert 姓: John ...
西格特 ; 斯格特 ; 人马丁·赛格特 ; 席吉特
明·西格特 ; 施格特
Over a crackly satellite phone connection today, Prof Siegert managed a laugh at the timing.
BBC: Why did the Antarctic drilling project fail?
According to Prof Siegert, it would be "extraordinary" if the samples did not reveal signs of microbial life.
BBC: New age of exploration in the hunt for extreme life
The chief scientist, and main driver behind the project, Prof Martin Siegert, prepared a few words for on-site cameraman Pete Bucktrout.