释义 |
- n.侧加载:一种将应用程序或文件安装到智能手机、平板电脑或其他设备的过程,绕过官方应用商店。这通常涉及从第三方来源下载应用程序或文件。
- abstract:
1 Sideloading is a term used in Internet culture, similar to "upload" and "download", but in reference to the process of transferring data between two local devices, in particular between a computer and a mobile device such as a mobile phone, smartphone, PDA, tablet, portable media player or e-reader.
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Not only can devs upload and crowdtest their games, but players can test out their own builds on the fly through sideloading. ENGADGET: The final OUYA retail console is ready, we go hands-on HD - 2.
Compared to Dish Network's Sling-powered TV Everywhere streaming approach, DirecTV's sideloading has the distinct benefit of offline viewing, but without access to live TV on the go. ENGADGET: DirecTV Nomad is ready to launch, transcodes DVRed shows for mobile viewing - 3.
For Mac users, Microsoft is also developing a substitute for the Zune client that won't enable Zune store purchases but will allow sideloading of non-DRM content, including a direct hook into iTunes. ENGADGET: Microsoft Kin: everything you ever wanted to know