链四杆机构的组成 组成:机架(frame):构件4,固定不动 连杆(coupler):不与机架相连的构件2 作平面复杂运动 连架杆(side links):与机架相连的构件1和3 曲柄(crank):能绕其轴线回转360°的连架杆 摇秆(rocker):仅能绕其轴线往复摆动的连架杆 A B C D 1 2 3...
... 单接皮带扣deploy .[dipl?i] 边珠side link 实心珠solid link ...
Users can add and delete news items by using the link provided on the right side of the window.
Click on the connection factory or activation specification on which to enable channel compression, and select the Advanced properties link on the right side.
单击要启用通道压缩的连接工厂或激活规范,并选择右侧的Advanced properties链接。
On the client side, the document.writeln(link(location)) call will output another link to the ScriptDemo.jsp
在客户端,document.writeln(link(location)) 调用将向 ScriptDemo.jsp 页面输出另一个链接,该页面的 URL 可从 location 属性中获取,该属性仅在 Web 浏览器中可用。