公布 中文名称:宇宙奇点 英文名称:singularity of the universe 定义:大多数非量子的相对论宇宙模型不可避免存在的空间曲率为无限的状态。 应用学科: 天文学(一级学科); 星系和宇宙(二级学科) 更多图片(4张)
In Big Bang theory, the state oftheUniverse is a singularity in early times, meaning that the Universe was once infinitely small.
Any kind ofsingularity-free Universe would solve the singularity problem that has bothered scientists about general relativity, since a singularity cannot be mathematically defined.
However, Eddington's revised theory requires a minimum length of space-time at early times, which means that theUniverse could not have been a singularity.