释义 |
- 漏网之鱼:指在某种情况下未被注意到或处理的人或事物。
1 ?漏网 Slip Through The Net(漏网), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 2 ?脱身网外 ... slip through one's fingers 从one's指缝中溜掉;... slip through the net 漏出网外; 脱身网外; ... slip up 失误 ...
- 1
In a class of 60 children, it is easy for some to slip through the net and learn nothing. 在有60个孩子的班级里,有些孩子容易被忽视,什么也学不到。 - 2
On the other hand, if they slip through the net, gel will be released from the anti-viral substances "eradication." 另一方面,若有漏网之鱼,也会被凝胶释放出来的抗病毒物质“消灭”。 - 3
Oriented education, a terrible network, I would like to be able to fall through, few fish, such as Han Han slip through the net as I see very few... 应试教育,一张可怕的网,我想能漏网的鱼寥寥无几,像韩寒那样的漏网之鱼我看是少之又少。