释义 |
1 [航 通信]?卫星地面站 关键词:步进跟踪,步进自动跟踪,卫星地面站 [gap=527]Key words: step track;satellite ground station;gradient step track 2 ?人造卫星地面站 ... satellite geodesy ==> 卫星大地测量学,人卫测地 satellite ground station ==> 人造卫星地面站,卫星地面站 satellite guidance ==> 卫星制导 ...
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We measure electromagnetic Leak amount of TV satellite ground station, define its effect degree to ambience, so to provide reference idea for environmental protection management. 通过对电视台卫星地面站电磁泄漏的测量,明确其对周围环境可能造成影响的程度,为环境保护管理提供参考性意见。 - 2
The payload on the test Patroller includes an optronics pod, infrared sensors, and a real-time link through radio and satellite channels to the ground station at the Canjuers Army camp. 测试该机的有效载荷包括光电吊舱,红外传感器,及位于康瑞埃军营的通过无线电和卫星实时联系的地面站。 - 3
Using the company's UAS battle-management software, airborne operators issued NATO-standard sensor and air-vehicle commands via a UHF satellite communication link and ground-station relay. 采用波音公司无人机战斗管理软件,机载操作人员通过特高频卫星通信链路和地面站中继发布北约标准传感器和飞行器命令。