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1 ?萨塔尔 ...蹈有赛乃姆、夏地亚纳;民间乐器有“达甫(手鼓Dap)、“都他尔”(Duttar),“热瓦甫”(Rawap),“弹拨尔”(Tembur),“萨塔尔”(Satar)和“卡伦”(Qalun)等数十种乐器。 2 ?萨它尔 萨它尔(Satar)〔见图7〕制似弹拨尔,有身长148厘米和120厘米的两种。前一种此较常见。
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Taei married a 26-year-old college student, Israa Abdul-Satar, three months ago, the family said. 据介绍,三个月前,泰伊与当地26岁的大学生伊萨拉·阿卜杜勒·萨塔尔结婚。 - 2
Ahmed Abdul-Satar, who said he was the soldier's brother-in-law, recounted a frantic scene from the kidnapping, with the women of the family screaming and begging the gunmen not to take Taei. 自称为泰伊小舅子的艾哈迈德·阿卜杜尔-萨塔向媒体讲述了绑架时的疯狂一幕。他说,当时家里的很多女子都在尖叫,恳求武装分子不要将泰伊带走。