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1 ?窗盖温室 ... sash brace 水平加劲支撑... sash house 窗盖温室 sash pulley 吊窗滑轮 ...
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My plan was toenter the house, sneak up on him from behind, and strangle thenattering little carbuncle with a sash. 我的计划就是进入他的房间,从后面偷袭他,用腰带将这个絮絮叨叨的小粉刺给勒死。 - 2
Our house for the first year or so was on the top of a cliff, so that in stormy weather the spray would sometimes soak my bed at night, for I had taken the glass out of the window, sash and all. 我们第一年住的房子坐落在海边的峭壁上,而我又把窗户的玻璃拆了下来,因此当暴风夜晚来袭时,水花时而会浸湿我的床。 - 3
Her chamber was narrow, neat, unobtrusive, with a long sash - window, facing the East on the back court -yard of the house. 她的房间是窄小的,整洁,幽静,朝东有一扇长长的格子玻璃窗,开向房子的后院。