——塞克西(Sarkisian) 2001相信自己,勇往直前.坚决果断.
... 萨基西利 saquisili 萨尔基西安 sarchisian; sarkisian; sarkissian 小方地毯 carpet square; carpet tile; tile ...
... 名字: Sarkisian 姓: Liana 标签: Liana Sarkisian ...
Last May's parliamentary elections, won by Mr Sarkisian's Republican Party, took place without any major incidents.
BBC: Armenia President Serge Sarkisian wins new term
Mr Sarkisian has hinted that he is open to this idea, triggering howls of treason from the opposition.
ECONOMIST: A large NATO country ponders a bigger role in the Caucasus
Official election results in Armenia gave Serzh Sarkisian 53% of the vote, and the main opposition candidate Levon Ter-Petrosian 21.5%.
BBC: NEWS | Europe | Armenian poll challenge rejected