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And again, like 2001, it had a towering science fiction writer as its adviser: Robert Heinlein, one of the fathers of modern sci-fi. 和《2001》一样,本片也有一位宗师级的科幻作家充当幕后推手:罗伯特·海因莱因,现代科幻的开山鼻祖之一。 - 2
Lazy like a fox. Or, as Robert Heinlein famously wrote of one of his characters, too lazy to fail. 像狐狸一样懒惰,或许如同罗伯特·海因莱茵[1]笔下那个著名的人物一样——太懒了,才不会失败。 - 3
Bill Nye, Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein: it makes sense that Nye, a lover of all things science, would choose this science fiction classic as his favorite read. 比尔·奈伊最喜爱的一本书是《异乡异客》,作者是罗伯特·海因莱因:奈伊选择这本书的原因是很显而易见的。作为科幻发烧友,这本经典科幻小说当然会是他的最爱。