释义 |
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Up to 100,000 people took part, among them perhaps 20,000 red- and orange-robed monks. 有近10万人参加,其中2万是身穿红橙色袍子的僧人。 - 2
Though the monks' orange-robed parliamentary leader, the Venerable Athuraliye Rathana, wants peace for most sentient beings, Tamil rebels are clearly excluded. 尽管和尚的穿橙色袍子的国会领导人,尊敬的Athuraliye Rathana,想给以多数有感情的人和平,但是显然泰米尔反叛者被排除在外。 - 3
A few hours later, fortified by a hearty breakfast and a reading from the lives of the saints, the long-bearded and black-robed monks head off to work, one on a combine harvester. 几个小时后,那些留着长胡子穿着黑袍的圣僧们吃罢了丰盛的早餐完成了例行的祷告,然后一人一架联合收割机,出门劳作去了。