释义 |
- n.Roba是一个德国家具品牌,主要生产儿童家具和家居用品。
1 ?东西 ... qualità 品质 roba 东西 conoscenza 知识 ... 2 ?盛德罗宝 ...,供需结构或将转为供过于求。因此谨慎推荐棱光实业、鲁阳股份、北新建材。 上一篇:聚氨酯,聚氨酯保温板,ROBA-CPC高性能PIR聚氨酯复合板 下一篇:盛德罗宝(ROBA):聚氨酯线条... 3 ?麦尔传动 优备 全球盾 博百优供应各种工控产品,麦尔传动(ROBA),供应,五金机械设备,机床与金属加工设备... 4 ?波特图罗瓦 站用主场(Home)上风的波特图罗瓦(Roba)定会戮力拿下(Won)敌手。且从盘路来看,推销员要具有:懂得自尊和珍惜;积极而耐心;乐观向上心态;证实自我价值;还需具有:归零...
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Having no cows left at home means that her two-year-old son Roba no longer has access to cow's milk - his main source of nutrition. 家里的奶牛都死光了,意味着两岁的儿子罗巴再也喝不到牛奶了,而牛奶是他的主要营养来源。 - 2
Once Roba is discharged from the programme, however, the challenge will be to ensure that he does not fall back into a condition of severe malnutrition. 然而,一旦该项目停止给罗巴提供帮助,如何确保他不会回到严重营养不良的状态,将是一大挑战。 - 3
For the past few weeks Roba has been feeding on a regimen of ready-to-use therapeutic foods provided by the outpatient programme and his condition has improved. 过去的几个星期,罗巴一直食用门诊食疗项目提供的即食食品,情况已经开始好转。