The JIT compiler is selective about which code it compiles so that the time it takes to do the compilation is likely to be made up by the improvements to the code's performance.
JIT 编译器将选择它要编译的代码,这样它花费的编译时间很可能通过对代码性能的改进得到补偿。
The results of simulation show that space-time block code based on MIMO-OFDM is a highly effective technique against the frequency-selective random fading.
仿真结果表明,将空时编码技术与M IMO-OFDM技术相结合能有效地抵抗频率选择性随机衰落。
In this paper, we propose a diagonal space-frequency (DSF) block codes over frequency-selective Rayleigh fading channels and study performance of the code.