释义 |
1 ?捆头 Seizing End(捆头), 此释义来源于网络辞典。
- 1
At this, one of the men reached out his hand, began unstitching the shroud and, seizing it by one end suddenly uncovered Marguerite's face. 两个工人中的一个动手拆开尸布,他抓住一头尸布掀开,一下子露出了玛格丽特的脸庞。 - 2
At the end of a long wooden bridge across the tagliamento military carabiniere were seizing all officers, giving them drumhead trials, and executing them by the river bank. 在塔利亚门托河上一座木桥的一头,宪兵见军官便抓,对他们进行战地军法审判,就在河边处决。 - 3
Seizing the plush fashion this quarter, plush carpet ready gentle end;