...A 释义:[=physiologically active polyunsaturated fatty acids]生理活性的多元不饱和脂肪酸 slightly active 释义:低活性的,轻度活动的 international unit enzyme activity 释义:酶活性的国际单位 ..
... 裂变活性区 fissile core 轻变活动的slightly active 增变活性 mutator activity ...
Simulations have found that black holes and galaxies grow together. Some observations even suggested that galaxies with active galactic nuclei were slightly distorted, a sign of a recent collision.
And so tomorrow, provided the forecast holds true and the volcano doesn't get even more active, we're looking like a slightly better situation.
Let's make this application slightly more realistic by forcing the garbage-collector subsystem to be active while TaskHandler code is running. Listing 7 shows this GCStressThread class.