Boundaries between different extremist groups are becoming blurred, said Dr Hasan Askari-Rizvi, a Lahore-based military expert.
一名拉合尔的军事专家、哈桑·阿斯卡里-瑞兹维博士(Dr Hasan Askari - Rizvi)说,不同极端组织之间的界线正变得模糊。
“There’s a plan to snatch Karachi from the MQM, ” says Haider Abbas Rizvi, an MQM member of the national parliament from Karachi.
Haider Abbas Rizvi是来自卡拉齐的全国议会议员,他说:“存在一个要从统一民族运动党手中夺取卡拉齐的计划”。
As soon as he heard about the earthquake, Dr Rizvi and his team packed their equipment and drove to the affected area. Theirs was one of the first medical teams to arrive at the disaster.