释义 |
- 瓶子套:一种用于保护和携带瓶子的套子,通常用于装酒瓶或水瓶。
1 ?出口人造石皂盒 出口人造石皂盒(bottle case)批发。1)产品 :出口人造石皂盒2)性能: 抗污耐蚀, 阻燃耐热,经济耐用,无毒环保、无辐射, 韧性高,弹性大;3)颜色:可以调配客...
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The door hadn’t even fully closed behind him when Mary Ann said, “I’ve got to tell you something incredible,” and she took a bottle out of the case and held it out for me to open. 他刚走进营业室,身后的门甚至还没有完全关上,玛丽安就对我说,“我得告诉你一件难以置信的事情,”她从箱子里拿出瓶啤酒,递过来让我打开。 - 2
If you're hot and thirsty after a 20-minute run in summer heat, it's easy to guzzle that bottle in 20 seconds, in which case the caloric expenditure and the caloric intake are probably a wash. 如果在炙热的夏天跑20分钟,你会感到又热又渴,就很容易在20秒钟内狂饮那么一瓶。 - 3
Then, they are asked how much they would pay for a consumer product, in this case, a water bottle. 然后,他们问多少钱,他们将支付消费产品在这种情况下,一个水瓶。